My name is Ura Wells. Following the death of my family, I fell into a depressed state. I will never forget what I saw last year. My grandma was always there for me, but I couldn’t move on just yet. Then, one day, I had an idea. What if I could bring them back? What if… Yes. I knew what I was going to do. There is one thing that I can do so that I will never forget my family.
Time to get started. No one is stopping me. I was off to programming and not a minute later, I was done with most of the coding. This was going to be the best AI ever made. I will never forget my family. Now it’s time to add the personality traits. I put my mom as Loving, Clean, Very hard to make cry, and Athletic. My brother is very Annoying, Lovable, a Studd, and very Stubborn. Now for my dad… did I want to bring my dad to life? He died when I was a baby. I only remember that he always called me Rau. Other than that, I only know what my mother has described my father as. Stubborn, but Caring, Very very Careful, Well-Mannered, and “Smart A F”. I decided to bring my dad to life as an AI as well. Time to get started! Bug after bug, I perfected it. When I felt it was complete, I decided to show grandma. I packed my computer up and got in my car to drive all the way to Illinois, where grandma lives. I stopped at my local Gas station as I prepared to drive from Colorado to Illinois. I got on the highway and started driving. I was so excited to show grandma the AI. Suddenly, I saw bright lights approaching fast. It was a semi-truck. I honked, but they didn’t see me. I tried to dodge them but it was too la—
I woke up, to see grandma’s face right in front of me. “Geez,” she said, “it’s about time.” I was confused. Did I sleep drive all the way to Illinois? Why don’t I remember driving? This hospital gown is kind of revealing and embarrassing. WAIT WHY AM I IN A HOSPITAL GOWN? WHY AM I IN A HOSPITAL BED? WHY AM I IN A HOSPITAL!? Grandma seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. “You were in a car accident, honey.” I was? Is my computer okay? Did I total my car? My beautiful car! IT WAS SO YOUNG!!!! “Where is my computer?” I asked after a very long off topic thought train. “I have it right here.” She handed it to me. I booted it. “Takes a lick and it keeps on ticking,” I said. I opened the AI I programmed, and showed it to grandma. Her eyes welled up, “That’s a cute picture of your mom and dad. Oh, and look at your adorable brother!” What? “What?” I asked. I turned the computer to me. The AI was frozen. Suddenly my computer started giving me a heat warning. It was chilling at a good 249ºF and rising! Oh no! I have to turn it off. I pressed and held down the power button, but I heard a loud pop. The laptop sizzled away. The screen eventually went dark. I slowly closed the lid and started to cry. I held the still warm laptop in my arms and bawled my eyes out. Grandma came and hugged me.
I want to rebuild the AI, but I will make it better. First things first, I need a new computer. I had been eyeing one for a while now. Here’s my excuse to buy it. Damn, this was a nice computer too. I will make it nearly impossible to tell that this isn’t a human. Back to programming. I put my mom as Loving, Clean, Very hard to make cry, and Athletic. I put my brother as very Annoying, Lovable, a Studd, and very Stubborn. Finally, I put my father as Stubborn, but Caring, Very very Careful, Well-Mannered, and “Smart A F”. After hours of typing, My family was once again resurrected. I crossed my fingers and pressed the run button. “Sweetie?” I heard my mom say. “What’s up, Ur,” said my Brother. Suddenly everything that I was sad about, all of my stresses and worries disappeared when I heard my dad say, “Rau? Is that you?” My depression was cured.
I was released from the hospital and not a moment later, I took my computer to show Grandma. I pulled up to her house. She took quite some time to answer the door but once she did, she smiled and let me in. I told her about what I created and she said she would have to see it for herself. So I pulled out my laptop, and opened it. I opened the new program. “Hey Ura,” said my mom, “How are you?” Grandma’s eyes widened. My Dad said, “Ma? Is that you? You look great!” It looked like Grandma started to cry, but she turned to me and closed the laptop. “Don’t show this to anyone else,” she said, “People will kill for an AI like this.” “Grandma, don’t worry about me, just be happy that they’re back,” I said. I then opened my laptop and we talked to the AI for hours. This was the happiest I’ve ever seen grandma get.
Since I have no way to get back, Grandma said that I could have Grandpa’s old Chevelle. I promised her I would treat it like a brand new smartphone. When I was learning to drive, Grandpa taught me how to drive a stick. This car means a lot to me. Thanks to Grandpa’s amazing mechanic skills, she started up like she was fresh off the showroom floor. I siphoned the gas tank and put some fresh gas, and was on my way. This car had a bunch of Grandpas old cassettes still in it, so I popped in one. “Carry On My Wayward Son” by Kansas started to play. Hell yeah! This would be a fun road trip. I was in Missouri when I saw four black cars coming up behind me. They all surrounded me on all four sides. Don’t you dare scratch this paint!!! My phone started ringing. Restricted Number. I answered. “Hello?” I said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. “Good evening Ms. Wells. Do you comply?” said a disguised voice. “Comply with what?” I asked. “We are here to safely escort you to the Macrohard Building,” the voice replied. “Isn’t that all the way in Seattle?” I asked. “Yes,” the voice replied, “we will pay for all the gas stops you need as long as you come with us.” I thought about it for a second. What happens if I say no? There’s no harm in going. Then again, I would rather leave my car in Colorado. After much thought, I finally said, “I comply, but only if I can stop at my house for a second.” “Boss agrees,” said the voice.
Once I dropped off my car, we were off. These seats were very comfy, and I hadn’t slept in quite some time. I asked if it was okay if I fell asleep for a bit. They said yes. I then fell asleep. I started to dream about grandma and grandpa. How grandpa died 30 years after serving in the war. He had a seizure and I could hear Grandma crying his name. Then I saw her. She was sitting on the floor next to his limp body. Grandma held Grandpa in her arms. Slowly rocking. I then saw what life was like for Grandma after that. Dull. Slow. Meaningless. She seemed to become happier after I came around, though. I then saw Grandma being held at gunpoint in a shopping mall. “GRANDMA,” I tried to yell, but I couldn’t speak. When I was little, I learned a trick where if you’re having a bad dream, just open your eyes in the dream as wide as you possibly can to wake up. I didn’t want to be here, so I just woke up. “Ms. Wells,” said one of the guys, “We’re here. Welcome to Macrohard Headquarters.” I got out of the car and was immediately flooded with sunlight. This place is beautiful. It looks like a college campus, but with some beautiful architecture. I was escorted into the main building. I looked around in awe of everything that was around me. We went into an elevator. I felt my phone buzz so I grabbed it out. One of the guys barked, “Put that away!” I looked at him and put my phone back in my pocket. The elevator dinged and we walked out and straight towards a door. The plaque right next to the door said “Room A113 - CEO William Doors”. We entered, and William Doors said, “Welcome to Seattle, Ms. Wells!” “Just call me Ura,” I blurted out. “Right, well Ura, my name is William Doors, but you can just call me Bill,” said Bill, “We’ve noticed that you’ve programmed some pretty advanced AI. In fact it’s ten times more advanced than any AI that we’ve managed to create.” “How did you guys know about this?” I asked. “Oh that’s not important. What’s important is that we would like to make you an offer,” replied Bill. Bill snapped his fingers and all of the men in the suits started to make their way out of the office. “What do you want,” I said, not really knowing what to expect. “I want your AI,” said Bill, “right here, right now, and once we start to sell it, you’ll get 50% of the profits.” I could really use the money. I don't want to sell my family though. No. I can't just sell my family. “That’s not going to happen,” I replied firmly. Bill sighed and said, “You really should rethink your decision.” “Okay let me think,” I said sarcastically, “hmm... Yeah, I’m going to have to say no.” I could tell this was starting to piss Bill off, but Bill suddenly just shrugged and said, “Alright, well I’ll have arrangements to take you home, and—” “No. I’ll get home by myself,” I said sharply. “Alright,” said Bill, “you may want to watch your back. You’ve just painted a huge target on your back.” I left the headquarters. I realized that Bill is right. There’s a huge target on my back now. I have no idea how many arrows are about to hit it either.
I got a plane ticket home, and despite my best efforts to stay calm, I couldn’t help but be just a little bit scared. Thankfully, it was a successful flight back. I called my neighbor, Gwen earlier, who agreed to pick me up. We both have each other’s backs. He drove me home and I asked if he wanted to stay for a bit. For starters, I don’t feel safe. I also just wanted someone to chill with. I had to do a couple chores before we could hang, so I got started right away. Suddenly my landline phone rang, but I was busy taking out the trash. “Will you get that for me,” I asked. “Yeah, sure thing,” replied Gwen. As I left, I heard Gwen pick up the phone. Gwen started to say, “The Ura Residen—“ Then I heard a loud bang. I dropped my trash bag and ran back to my apartment. I called out for him. “GWEN!” I yelled in desperation. I saw his body on the floor. He weakly tried to say my name. “Ur- urrr- a,” he said. “Gwen I’m right here,” I said, pulling him up and holding him in my arms. Gwen weakly said, “I- I’ll ge- et youu a- a ne- eewww pho- one.” I pulled out my cellphone and dialed 911. Suddenly, Gwen went limp, and I eased him onto the ground. Gwen was dead. I started to cry. Why me? After everything I’ve been through, why can’t it just be over?
They’re coming for me. I know it. I had to get out of there. As soon as I explained to paramedics what happened and answered some questions, I grabbed my laptop and ran for it. I got in the car and sped away. I don’t know where I was going to go. I stopped at a hotel. It was a very remote place. I doubt they’d be able to find me here. I checked in and got into bed. I fell asleep almost instantly. The next morning, I woke up and walked outside. I saw a guy in a suit. I booked it to the front desk, and checked out. I got to my grandpa’s old car, started her up and sped away. It wasn’t long before I saw someone following me. Time to perform. I floored it. Not only did I skid out a little bit, but also I left him far in the dust. Quite literally. Soon, they caught back up with me. I turned onto a back road. Yep, they are following me. I decided that I’d rather be in a jail than under the thumb of these guys. I hard turned to the right, and sped down the back road. My Grandpa also taught me how to drive rough. I drifted towards the highway. I proceeded to fully accelerate onto the highway. I was going about 132 Miles per Hour. I checked behind me. I had lost them. I was still accelerating, and I didn’t notice there was a car right in front of me. I slammed on the brakes. Just barely missed them. I had to go. I gunned it down the highway in hopes that they’d never catch me. There they were behind me. Suddenly, I saw a piece of debris on the road. I swerved to dodge it, but I lost control. The car flipped. I just ruined my Grandpa’s life work.
I slowly proceeded out of the car with my laptop. “Ok, ok... what do you guys want?” I asked. They replied with, “We need your AI, Ms. Wells.” “Alright, fine. Here it is,” I handed them my old laptop. “And the AI is in here?” they asked. I tried to hide my smug face, “Yes.” They took the laptop and drove off. I hitched a ride to the nearest motel. As soon as I got there, I opened my new laptop. I checked to see if my AI family was ok. I called my Grandma, and told her what had happened. We both cried over the phone. “Ura,” called my mom. “Mom, not now,” I said. “Ura,” she called again. I’m so tired and stressed that I snapped at her. “WHAT MOM? WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT’S SO IMPORTANT THAT IT CAN’T WAIT?” “Ura, honey, I’ve been talking to your dad and brother and we’ve all agreed that... we’re not good for you.” I froze. “What?” I said. “Honey, we love you so much and we know that it’s been rough for you since we died, but this isn’t it. You have to move on. We can’t stay here, or else you’ll get killed.” “Mom, I’m not going to delete you. Or anyone else. I refuse.” I had to sit down. Why would they suggest such an idea? I thought about it. I can’t lose them again. They may be a huge target on my back, but I don’t care. They’re my family. I couldn’t ever delete them like that. I’m too tired to think about this. I fell asleep.
That night I had a dream. I saw my family. “C’mon Ura,” said my mother, “set us free!!” “Yeah Ur, we want to be free,” cried my brother. Finally, my dad said, “Rah, we love you. That’s why we want you to move on.” Then I saw Grandma being held at gunpoint in a shopping mall again. “No,” I said, “I’m in control.” I proceeded to grab the guy holding my grandmother at gunpoint. I slapped the gun out of his hand. I’m done being scared. I’m not going to let everyone push me around. Before I could choke the man, I woke up. “Ura!” said my mom. “Yes?” I called back. “Please,” she pleaded. I got up and sat down at my computer. “Ura, honey I love you. We all do. That is why we have to let you move on.” “Mom, I was thinking about it. Do you feel trapped in there? Do you guys not feel like you are free?” I asked. “It’s a little cramped in here,” said my mom. “Mom, Dad,” I said, “I love you guys.” I pressed delete on mom’s file folder. “I love you to Ura,” she said as her window closed. “It’s gonna be ok now, Ur,” Said my brother, “we’ll always be right there next to you.” “Thanks, bud. Are you ready? This won’t hurt, I promise.” I said. He smiled and said quietly, “I’m ready.” I pressed delete on his file folder. His window closed. My dad was the only one that was left. “Ra, I watched you grow up,” he said, “and I couldn’t be happier with how you turned out.” “Dad, I don’t know what’s next,” I said. He shrugged and said, “Me neither. But I know you can only go up from here.” I smiled. “Are you ready?” I asked, right clicking his file, my cursor hovering over the delete button. He smiled and said, “I’m ready, Ra.” I hung my head down. Dad was the guy that I never knew I needed. He looked at me and said, “Your brother was right, ya know. We are always going to be right next to you.” My eyes started to tear up. “I know, dad,” I said. He said, “Alright Ra, it’s time.” I sighed and said “Ok.” I clicked delete and quietly started to cry.