Twisted Adventure
"I decide today's the day. Today I will set out on this Twisted Adventure to find Paradise."
Kingdom of Steralia
"While in these dense woodlands, I discover a rock wall. I follow it to the front entrance. I am greeted by two very tall menacing guards. They beam down at me and question "WHAT IS YOUR INTENT?" I humbly say back "I am on a hunt for true Paradise." They nod and the doors behind them slowly open. I am greeted by two more human sized beings in hazmat suits. They send me through a seven stage shower. When I am done they let me in, saying, "Welcome to the Kingdom of Steralia!" "Where am I?" I ask back at them. "You're in the Kingdom of Steralia! The land of no disease. The most Sterile land of them all!" I turn back around and slowly walk into the cleanest place I have ever seen in my life. It's too clean. I continue to walk forward, onto the cleanest asphalt streets I have ever seen in my life. Suddenly, something catches my eye. A glowing orb in the window of an abandoned looking building. The abandoned building looked very out of place here. I decided to enter."
The Portal
“As I enter this abandoned home, the only thing lighting up the room is The Portal. It appears to be getting more and more unstable every second. I don’t want to miss anything on my hunt. After “careful” consideration, I decide to enter The Portal.”
"I walk out of another similar looking portal. Everything seems weird here. Echoes seem to travel faster than other sounds. I hear a grumble from the portal behind me. Suddenly it bursts apart with a large zapping noise. I have no way to leave now. I look up, it's an eerie dark sky above me and I hear a growl this time. Because of the weird echo physics here, I have no clue where this growl came from. I look all around and then see glowing red eyes directly in front of me. I slowly start to back away. It charges, and I bolt. I turn to the right and look behind me. The creature seemed to have gotten stuck in the debris of the destroyed Portal. "Yes!" I mutter under my breath as I turn my head forward. I see a low hanging branch in front of me. Panicking, I try to stop... too late, I slam right into the branch and konk my head on the ground really hard. I try to get up, but-"
"While knocked out, I start to have flashbacks. With my friends. Playing games. Doing all kinds of stuff together. And then I realized what it means. The closest I ever got to true paradise was when I was with others. My friends are what make a true Paradise environment possible. You can’t hog moments all for yourself, You have to share them with others in order to have the full effect.“
“I wake up lying on the ground right below that tree branch. My head is throbbing with pain, but I slowly get up, and face the elephant in the room. How do I get back? I just start to walk in one direction. The sky is now oddly orange, but the sun is blue. I try not to think too much of it. While I walked I saw many different creatures, Like deer that howled like dogs, Bees that didn’t seem to have stingers, Flowers that were always blooming, and so much more. It was very peaceful in an unrivaled way. I suddenly freeze in my tracks.
A Fellow Wanderer
I hear from somewhere, “Hello!?”. I slowly bend down and grab a stick. “Hello,” I yell out with a bit of uncertainty, “who goes there?” Once again, I had no idea what direction this mystery voice was coming from. It sounded like a female. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I throw the stick up in surprise. “Whoa, calm down, I won’t bite,” She said, giggling. She was beautiful, I didn’t know what to think. I heard a snap of something, but I couldn’t figure out where. She heard it too because Her eyes darted to the left. “C’mon,” She said, grabbing me by the hand, “It’s getting dark.” I follow Her, not knowing exactly where we’re going. I hear some high pitched voices all around us. We enter a cabin like structure. “Get some rest,” She said, “tomorrow’s a big day.” “Okay,” I say, a little distracted by my throbbing head. I settle down on the floor and start to rest my head.”
The Legend
The next morning, I wake up unusually energized. I sit up and see Her sitting across the room, in a rocking chair, writing in a book, and occasionally looking up at me. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” She said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. “G-good morning,” I said, curious as to what She was writing about. She closed her book as soon as I got up. Ok, I thought, maybe She just doesn’t want me to know. She looked at me and smiled, “I’m so glad you’re here,” She said. “Why?” I asked her. “I’ve been waiting here for years, waiting for someone to enter this realm,” She said, her eyes sparkling. “Why?” I asked again. “There’s this legend. ‘In order to leave here, two must be here.’ When I was 12 years old, I discovered this glowing orb, and I followed it to a Portal. Being the dumb teen I was, I decided to enter. Haven’t left this place ever since. That was about 10 years ago. I managed to build a little hut here, and I’ve been waiting for someone to make the same mistake. Finally, after 10 long years, you showed up,” She explained. “So… how do we leave this place?” I asked. She got up, grabbed me by the hand, and took me to another room. In that room stood a small structure that looked exactly like the portal I went through. “This is The Portal,” She said, “I built it while I waited for someone to come to the Noisrevni.” “How do we turn it on?” I asked. “We have to kiss in order for the Portal to activate,” She said looking me straight in the eyes, smiling. There was an awkward pause, I looked down. She laughed and said, “Nah, I’m just playing with you! We both have to drink this at the same time in order to activate it.” She handed me a bottle that looked like it had Gatorade in it. “Are you ready?” She asked me, unscrewing the cap from Her bottle. I started to unscrew the cap on mine. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose,” I said.
A Way Out
We both counted to 3 and took a swig. Then, we both passed out. I saw a little girl. She was sitting alone on a swing, crying. Suddenly, a man came over and started to comfort her. “It’ll be alright,” he said, “your mother is always going to be with you. I’ll always be here for you.” She looked up at him. They both exchanged a smile and hugged. The little girl looked a lot like Her. Suddenly, I saw the little girl, who looked a little bit older, sitting down on a bed, crying into her palms. Suddenly an old woman entered the room, and sat down with Her. They hugged each other and cried. In the background, I heard a news report. It was about the terrorist attack that happened 11 years ago. That was a sad day. A man hijacked a bulldozer and rammed into the foundation of a parking garage. About 26 people died that day from that, including the guy who rammed the foundation. “Your dad is always here with you, ya know,” the old woman said. Suddenly she was in a different house, and she had a different haircut. She was smiling and holding a cake on a tray. She was walking towards a door. “Happy birthday, Grandma,” she said, as she entered the room. There was no response, her grandma didn’t wake up. “Grandma, how late did you stay up last night,” she said giggling, and starting tap on her Grandma. Her Grandma still didn’t respond. She started to look worried and lightly shook her Grandma’s arm. Still no response. “No,” She said, as she put Her ear to her Grandma’s chest. She stood back up and gasped. Tears started to roll down her face. “Grandma, wake up!” She said, shaking her Grandma. “Wake up, Grandma!” She said, again, “I made you breakfast in bed!” Still no response. “I baked you a cake, Grandma!” She said, sobbing. She sat in a chair next to the bed and cried. She grabbed her grandmother’s hand and held it with both of Her hands. I then woke up and instantly started sobbing. She started sobbing too. We hugged each other. She asked me what I saw. I told her. She told me how she saw 10 year old me at my grandfather’s funeral, and then 14 year old me at my uncle’s funeral, and then 18 year old me at one of my best friend’s funeral. She also told me that the day her Grandmother died was the day she entered the Noisrevni. The portal activated. We both walked through it, and lived the rest of our lives together. I found true Paradise.